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Meet the Staff

We are students from West Ranch High School and we want to help the young community. In times of the pandemic, we felt the need to spread positivity to the growing generation while allowing parents to keep working hard for their families. We are a respectful, easygoing, and fun group of students ready to provide your children a happy experience at home.


Meet the Staff


Sean Kim


Sean Kim is currently an 11th grader attending West Ranch High School. He represents his school through his passion for West Ranch basketball. Through his aspiration to major in public health and his love for sports, he integrated these two interests to support his community. In Healthy Heroes, he leads all of the classes or meetings, monitors the club's activity, regularly communicates with the principle, and delegates tasks to members when necessary. 

Mason Moon

Vice President

role: in charge when president cannot be present, monitor other cabinet members to make sure if they are doing their jobs effectively, communication outreach

Ryan Yahata


This is Ryan. At the moment, he is attending West Ranch as a junior. He values all positive memories and loves to live in the moment. Playing sports is a huge part of his life and will gladly play any sport at any time. Stevenson Ranch has become a home to him as he attended Stevenson Ranch Elementary K-6th Grade and has lived in the area for his whole life. In Healthy Heroes, Ryan takes notes on classes and meetings and takes care of the website to make your experience with us the best as it can possibly be.


Jonathan Fisher

Media Coordinator

role: photos/videos of events, flyers, visuals, media posts, create/manage social media presence. 

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